CircusLink is a new platform and the first collaborative digital tool for contemporary circus companies, show programmers, and institutions / professional organisations in Europe.

It aims to facilitate the mobility of companies and the diffusion of creation throughout Europe.

Join the CircusLink community !

Create a profile as a company, as programmer,
or as an Institution/Organisation
and connect with European professionals

I'm a Company
I'm a Programmer
I'm an Institution/Organisation



This CircusLink professional forum is the opportunity to present you the project in more details, to reflect together on the transversal themes it raises, to meet to see shows and meet artists, operators, journalists and all the professionals in our sector.

The 3 days are reserved for professionals and the number of attendees is limited.
Send us your registration request to

The CircusLink professional forum event is part of Entre2 BIAC 2022 by Archaos.

You are a company :

  • develop your international presence
  • find partners who will support your new projects
  • organize tours in an easier way

You are a programmer :

  • find shows that match your needs
  • discover new artists across Europe
  • stay informed of the artists’ upcoming projects


  • discover new artists and programmers across Europe
  • promote your artistic initiatives to European artists
  • develop your international presence

Our Objectives


To facilitate the European mobility of contemporary circus through a digital platform co-created by 4 partners of different nationalities, associated professionals and companies


To support the development of a vast and diverse market that would be more caring, inclusive, and sustainable for contemporary circus


To create a digital collaborative tool that aims to support artistic creation and facilitate the European diffusion of contemporary circus

Photo:Frantisek Ortmann

Photo:Frantisek Ortmann

CircusLink sees mobility as a common project
shared by companies and programmers
so that each show can find its rightful place

Photo:Patrice Almeida

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